Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reposts of Wedding Blog - Preston's Nov 25th Post

Perhaps the biggest adjustment this marriage represents is the merger of two people's lives who have been not only very independant for the last fifteen years but also have been independant single parents for the majority of those years.
That is to say, we're both used to being master of our domains.
Over the last couple of days, Cathy has begun the process of physically making room for me in her place (we're looking for larger accommodations for going forward but for now, her place will have to do). This is both heart-warmingly touching, as I know how much she loves her 'stuff' and what a sacrifice it is for her to have to go through everything to make room in her closets and apartment for me and (some of) my 'stuff'. At the same time, it's also symbolic of my losing my free reign of closet and living space. Not to mention free reign over my time and life in general.
Someone once told Cathy that I have a 'Ministry of Consistency'. To a large degree this is true. I am the type of guy that once I'm decided on something, I'm staying the course. For example, after reading about pig farms (if you don't know what I'm referring to already, you don't want to) I told my ex. that I wasn't going to eat pork anymore. She smiled, rolled her eyes and figured that'd last about a week. Twenty years later, I still havn't eaten pork in any form (no, not even bacon).
The great thing is, I know Cathy is the same way. Once committed, she's staying the course and that gives me a sense of happiness I cannot adequately express in mere words. I so look forward to growing old and grey(er) with her in my arms, every step of the way. I don't think every day will be sunshine. It's got to rain a little some, sometime. However as long as I know I have a wonderful partner that's commited to making it work, through thick and thin, even when I'm being an idiot (which I try not to do) then what more could I possibly ask for?
At the same time, that 'Ministry of Consistency' is not overly thrilled at the sudden drastic change that is about to happen. Afterall, that's very inconsistent with my status quo. The change is, of course, an immensely good thing. However, it does rub against the grain a bit and understanding my nature I appreciate that it can leave me feeling a bit uncomfortable. However, the pro's more than overwhelm any cons and a bit of discomfort isn't about to change my mind. Fact is, I'm already decided. I'm staying the course for better or for much better!
In other news, had a wonderful night celebrating my son's 20th birthday which also gave Cathy a great oppurtunity to get reaquainted with many of my friends and relatives who will also be attending the wedding. It was a lot of fun and my son, being the social butterfly that he is, was really in his element and had a tremendous time.

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