Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reposts of Wedding Blog - Cathy's Nov 18th Post

We could not have asked for a more perfect day for our family photo shoot. All the kids were off school, Preston had the day off, I had some last minute cancellations and the weather was so mild, we were able to take the photos without winter coats on.
The highlight of the day was seeing our 3 kids begin to bond in the back seat of the car on our way back from the photo shoot. Preston has two older kids, 16 and 20 and my son is 11. They were joking around about the new adventures they would be having and creating ( at the expense of my son- the new baby brother- lol). Preston and I exchanged glances as we were so tickled to see the bonding starting to happen.
We then headed down to Singing Waters to meet with the co-coordinators to confirm the menu and all the other wedding details. As we did a walk through, Pres. stood in the spot where we plan ( a fireplace) to be married and I could feel that flurry of butterflies in my stomach. In less than 30 days I will be standing in this exact spot pledging my love to this man for the rest of my life- whooa ! Joy, fear, excitement, panic, love, and anxiety all flood through my mind and body and I can physically feel it in my stomach and my throat yet at the end of all those emotions, there is a sense of peace, a sweet peace that all will be well.
I remember what God has been telling me for the last few years, ‘To create the life I want, I must be willing to let go of the life I have.’ It’s quite possible that some famous person said this quote but God keeps bringing it to my mind.

Menu clarified-- check

Part of wedding cake -- check

Location-- check

Bombonieres -- check

Shoes-- check ( at least the back up pair)
Hairdresser booked-- check

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