Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reboot! What happened?


Oct 08 until May 09 without a single entry.

Kinda hard to take that seriously now isn't it?

Still there is just reason. Primarily because Google froze the blog account due to 'suspicious activity' almost immediately upon it's inception and held it frozen for weeks until they could get around to reviewing it's contents.

As you can likely deduce but the time they unfroze it (without notifying me) I had half given up and half moved on and forgotten about it. Talk about life putting road blocks in your way! Also a great example of how even the best of us can allow ourselves to be totally sidetracked and lose sight of our goals.

Obviously, I'm back to blogger on this site, surprised it even still exists frankly, not because I suddenly remembered it but because I was creating another blog - and that led me to rediscover this one (still attached to my e-mail account). After some consideration of merely deleting this blog in favour of (a subset of, which also deals with achieving success), I decided they were sufficiently different and - more importantly - in fact I would like to revive this blog and keep a public journal of my journey to success.

Which brings me to my next matter of business - am I 'successful' yet?

Er... No.

In fact, in some ways I'm less successful - more debt, no girlfriend.

However in other ways, I'm far richer. Most importantly, I have developed a 'success consciousness' to a far greater degree. Where before, even in October, the fact that my expensives currently outstrip my income would have eaten up a lot of my attention and therefore time and energy, I am now free of that negative downward spiral of thinking. Obviously it is an unacceptable situation to remain in and I am working on various methods to address that. Hence the creation of

The reason for that predicament is because I evicted my deadbeat tenants who were causing me a lot of stress. I never knew when to expect rent, how much of it to expect and even IF to expect it. Since at that time I was mentally fixated on my tight financial picture, I was always worrying about having enough to cover my costs.

Then one day, I had a 'knowing'. This is how my Pastor friend describes it when you are suddenly gifted with some divine insight. Rent was days late and I suddenly knew quite clearly that it was not going to be paid at all. Most people would totally disregard a thought like that as worry and ignore it but I have had enough of these now that I paid special attention. So I approached them for the promised rent (they had just come in with groceries so they had gotten money) and sure enough they had nothing to give me except empty promises. So I gave them notice.

They were upset of course but in the following weeks I learned that the girl had gotten pragnant and that they had already begun looking for a larger place and while it remained unsaid, it was clear they had hoped to stiff me for rent so they would have enough to give first and last on a new place. My 'knowing' had proven right and I also 'knew' I wouldn't need tenants anymore.

Now that was months ago. So one could argue that sense was wrong because I have incurred an increase in debt every month since but not nearly as much I would have expected. I have faired quite well without the additional income. I have also been able to let go of my incessant need to budget every dollar and trust God will provide. Yes, I know that sounds like complete idiocy. I also don't recommend you living like that, at least, not until you have developed a firm enough faith in your God-given abilities to find alternative means of income.

Ah, I just admitted that even months after losing my rental income that I still havn't replaced it. So I must be fooling myself. As illogical as it may seem, that is the thinking of the ignorant. First you must free your mind. Anyone can have goodness in their life and therefore believe more will follow but it takes faith and discipline to not only believe but to merely, tranquilly know goodness is coming when there is no physical evidence to support that.

I did not arrive at my current peaceful mindset immediately. At first I fussed. Then I learned to relax (this come from timely influence from multiple sources, including my future self - yeah, I know, I'll explain that later) but hoped God would simply provide the money - IE: lottery or such and now finally I have accepted that the money must flow through me, I must be the cause or else it will not be able to substain. If you believe you'll win $10,000 and then do, can you maintain that? Sure, until it doesn't seem to happen and then you begin to think it was dumb 'luck' but if you earn $10,000 once, you will feel confident you are repeat that time and again.

So I have set in motion various means of increasing my income. Most notably, I have finished my book, Dillon's Dilemma and will be sending it out to publishers shortly.

As of this date though, I have not increased my income by a single penny but it is coming and I look forward to sharing the beginning of the end of my current paycheck to paycheck existance with you through this journal.

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