Monday, June 29, 2009

It works!!

Law of Attraction that is, or so it seems... But I can't help but be very enthusiastic right now.

I've met the most amazing woman yesterday. I'm going to contain my excitement since I've gotten all excited before only to be disappointed in the end. However on my personal scale of 1-10 of desirable traits on a woman, so far this girl is scoring a perfect 10 and I have never been more impressed.

The really amazing thing is of all the girls I've been talking to online, she was not one I had any real expectations for. She looked nice in the single photo but it wasn't close enough to get a good look at her face and she was wearing loose, frilly clothes which hid her figure. Worse was she was a lousy e-mail communicator. Very brief answers to questions giving no insight into her personality.

Realizing I wasn't going to get anywhere that way I just gave her my number instead. Then didn't hear from her for a few days, forgot about her and then suddenly there's an email with only her number in it. Called on Sat, no answer.
On a whim I tried mid-day Sunday, got her, had a nice conversation with her and since she turned out to live very close to my ex where I was headed later that day I suggested we meet. She agreed.

She was running a little late so I ended up driving down the road to meet her half-way (she was walking). Finally found her, openned the car door and was pleasantly stunned by the vision that stepped in. Her photo honestly did her no justice. Beautiful face, fabulous figure, nicely made up, fashionably dressed, African black (meaning black, not brown - Mmmmm), lovely smile, delightful African/British accent - and I have a very soft spot for black women with an a British accent. Hair nicely done up in long mini-braids.

Cheery, sarcastic, mischivious personality.

Honestly, aside from her having been burnt by a lot of previous guys and being skeptical if hopeful of finding better, there's no fault at all I could find, and I am very, very fussy. So far, she's everything I've ever wanted in a woman.

Law of Attraction at work or lucky circumstance? You decide.

Me, I'm seeing her again tonight!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Speed bumps

I'm doing it again.

It is so hard to not get distracted by the impending brick wall that is my current financial situation. And like that 'Canada's Worst Driver' I'm tempted to keep staring at it. Especially as I slip towards it unexpectantly with things like a unbudgeted graduation dinners. It's also always nice to have people, like your ex, to gently rub your nose in it.

So there I am sitting at the table at the restuarant, glum, because while I DO want to show my support to my two kids who had just graduated (from grades 8 and 12) I was very consciously aware that the money I'd be required to pay simply didn't exist in my budget or my wallet. Needless to say, I didn't really enjoy myself despite the fact that it should have been a joyeous occasion.

I did take some small consulation in that I at least didn't afterwards complain about the money like some other people who's idea it was in the first place. Irregardless my attention as a whole is on the wrong place and that dinner was just a poignent reminder of how I'm focusing on what I don't want.

Bob Procter to the rescue!

Already aware I need to change my focus, and clarify my goals so I can clearly focus on them I watched today's episode of Six Minutes to Success and it was like Bob knew my mind.

He told a true story of a true family in Calgary who 6 years ago couldn't even afford diapers because the had nothing in the bank and no credit remaining. They were 2 months in arrears on their mortgage (and I would assume many other less important bills) and about to have their house repossessed. The father sat down with Bob's Born Rich and decided he was going to use it, not just read it and understand it but that he HAD to actually put it FULLY into practise or face ruin.

That family now owns a 2 million dollar home on a man-made lake and impressed Bob so much he hired the man to start up a branch of his company.

Considering they were far worse off than I am currently, that was a great relief to me and has help to give me renewed confidence.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Implementing the Vacuum Law of Prosperity.

Today was my daughter's graduation ceremony so that was the big highlight of today. It also meant I didn't get much else done but I want to commit to regularly doing this blog.

Of note, at least that I feel has some significance is that I met a woman online, seems great but is a little further than I like so instead of just turning her down like I normally would, I am instead trying to hook her up with a friend. "Give away what you don't want, to make room for what you do want in your life" paraphrasing Bob Proctor's Vacuum Law of Prosperity.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Hard Honest Truth

It's funny. The whole idea behind this blog is to show people both the highs and the lows that even the most successful people (assuming I become "successful") go through on that journey. To get them to realize that successful people are just like them. Have the same fears and doubt, ups and downs, feelings and failings. However, it's very easy to blog about my successes and insights but I don't want to write about when I'm feeling like I'm getting beaten up. I certainly don't want to put it in a public forum for all to read but then that's what the entire point of this blog is. So I'm manning up and here we go.

Normally, I would describe this as a very low point in my life but maybe because some of what Bob Proctor has been feeding me is sticking I'm not actually looking at it that way.

My relationship with the woman I love is over for reasons that are utterly frustrating to me because they are beyond my control and because they are tied to other peoples doubts and fears. Despite my 'talent' at motivating I cannot get them to see beyond those doubts and fears. Not even when it means so terribly much to me.

Worse, I now realize Bob, and in fact my ex girlfriend, are right. I can not and will not receive that which I'm truly longing for while I'm still holding onto that which I don't want out of some desperate hope of reviving it. I'll go more into that concept in Preston's Pearls, but if I hope to attract lasting love I have to give this one away. Something I don't want to do.

My finances are at a critical point. I hate to give power to negativity by writing this but since losing my tenants I've needed to rely on credit to make ends meet. That credit is close to reaching it's limit. While I have many wonderful ideas for getting more money I haven't capitalized on any of them. Too much distraction, doubt and foot dragging.

Actually, that's only part of the picture. It's not all about finances although a fatalistic part of my mind might like to paint it that way. I AM selling my house, yes. That will alleviate my financial burden and allow me to pay off all outstanding debt, yes. But my house is also simply no longer serving any purpose in my life anymore. When I bought it, I had already determined I would be selling it this summer. I've flipped flopped on that because my son wants to stay here but my reasons for selling are the same as they were 6 years ago.

My son is grown, finished school, and almost ready to move out on his own. At this point he needs a constant fire under his ass to get him to move and take charge of his life. His mother is much better in burning asses than I and so it makes sense for him to go live with his mom. Also, there are more opportunities in Toronto than in recession wracked Oshawa. It just makes sense.

With Nick gone there's no point in me staying here. It's just an inconvenient burden to me. So even if my finances were outstanding, hell, especially if my finances were outstanding I'd be selling the house. I'd just be feeling better about it. But since they are not it feels like defeat.

Writing this makes me realize it's not defeat, it's a freaking victory. I did it. Exactly as I planned. I will certainly make some profit from selling the house, or at the very, very least, after paying off my debt load and repaying my RRSP come out dead even. I managed to make it work, despite my costs ALWAYS being greater than my employment income for six years. There's no shame in that. None.

But you can probably see why this kinda feels like a real kick in the ass. No girl, no house, no kid.

But on the flip side, no girl - so I can meet lots of lovely women and have fun until I meet someone even better, no house - less cleaning, less expense, no commuting, no fixing stuff up, no concerns, no gardening, etc, etc, and no kid - ... Oh hell yeah!!! No kid! I can do whatever I want now!! Work, play, bring bimbos over (not likely), whatever! No one to mess up my house, no one to hog my TV and Wii, no one to frustrate me with their half ass work, no one to distract me from what I want to be doing, no one to discourage me, no one to have to feed, clothe, nag, etc. Yeah, no one to love me either but I'm sure my cat will step up there and I can visit my kids whenever I want.

So my only concern now is finding enough money to do all the work I want to on the house to maximize my return on investment but really, if I can't I'll get less for it but then save on fixing it. Fixing it up would be better but it's not absolutely necessary either. So I'll do what makes sense and then let the chips land where they may. Let Go and Let God as Bob Proctor would say.

Gee, that Honest Truth didn't turn out so Hard after all.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Interesting Idea

One of my friend invited me over for a presentation on a marketing scheme he's excited about. I have to admit, it was very interesting.

The company is ACN and they multi-level market (pyramid) home services - phone, VoIP, Internet, cell phones, satellite TV, home security. Their rates are reasonable but not actually as cheap as they initially seem.

Their main marketing gimick is a video phone which they present as the 'next big thing'. It's exactly what you'd expect - a phone with a webcam and screen. It uses VoIP and again comes at a reasonable cost.

Personally I have no interest in the video phone (I have webcam and msn on my laptop should I want to see someone already and it's even cheaper - it's 100% free). But they add a little something in that you can purchase another for $15/mth to send overseas and then have unlimited conversations with that friend/relative without l/d. Of course, if you think about it, if both people have internet already they can already do this without the videophone but many people are not that tech savvy or just like the familiarity of a phone. Plus if they are using calling cards or ld now to talk extensively to those relatives/friends/lover this could be a substancial savings. It also does have a 'cool' factor about it.

So the question is, even though I'm not motivated to switch this does have potential. Could I make money selling this myself? Well I could do a better presentation than the guy I saw and he's obviously enjoying some level of success with it. The initial start up cost is reasonable $500. Seems reasonably easy to make that back so the risk involved in minimal and during the recession people would be more prone to try something like this than normal.

Something worth considering. Right now I'm investigating what the 'net has to say about ACN and it's customer service.

Edit: Interesting research. ACN is a mixed bag. You can make money off it but it's a lot of work. Residual income is a joke. Only the top level people make any real money and it's next to impossible to reach those levels. In fact, it may be impossible mathmatically. So really it's only the bonus pay that you get for recruiting new people that matter. Doing that you can make decent money. But you will always have to be doing it. Forget depending on people under you, they'll burn through their friends, fail to qualify (2 reps, 20 customers) and fall off. You could of course find a couple of go-getters but then they need to as well and so on and eventually because someone gave up it'll cause a crash in a leg and you need to develop another leg to replace it. IE: Expect to recruit everyone directly, anyone under you is a bonus.

So you need to be able to go to new places to meet new people to sell them.
Frankly it's not that it's bad, but you can only make money on recruiting new agents and most of those people will lose money on this venture.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I finally held it in my hands and the effect has profound.

My book, Dillon's Dilemma was finally printed out in full for the first time ever yesterday. It has been 'done' for some time. I always have a desire to edit it some more but eventually it must go out the door and it's long past time.

It's printing was further delayed by the fact that my printer has both out of ink and cripping the pages. However, my work decommission our office printer and I was able to secure permission to take it home. It's a big, burly and noisy printer for the home (never noticed it was so noisy at work) but it works and it had a full ink cartridge! So once I got that home and hooked up it was time to print away. I ran out of paper and had to buy some more but finally it was done.

Nearly 450 pages. This is largely because it's single page and double spaced but it's quite the hefty tome right now and I wonder about mailing costs. It might be cheaper to have it copied onto 2 sided paper.

Holding it gave me a huge sense of satisfaction, that I had created this (or at least allowed it to be created through me) and a sense of certainy about it's impeding success fell upon me. $10,000 upfront payment and $25 million in total sales, movie licensing fees, merchandising royalities and others will come from that book. It's worth far more than it's weight in gold. I'm almost afraid to mail it off, but how else will it reach it's true worth?

I see this as a gift from God (or the universe if you prefer) and my life is soon to change.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bob Proctor - Live!

As mentioned earlier, I did see Bob Proctor (The Secret) live on Monday. It was great. For full details, see

Current Status - Part Two - The Kids

This is really an exciting time for me. I have finished my book after 5 long years. I just took home a new printer, retired from my workplace, Wednesday. Now I just need to get some more paper, print it out and send it off. This weekend! Can't wait.

But my life isn't the only one on the potential threshold of change to a life of fame and fortune.

Upon the advice of my last girlfriend I decided to help my daughter pursue a career in modelling as she has been seeking for months. I took her to Sears Portrait studios and had a series of pictures taken. Fortunately, or perhaps, divinely, the photographer was a model herself and had a sense of what modeling agencies would be looking for.

I sent the pictures to Sutherland Models, one of the biggest modeling agencies in the city. I was going to send to Ford Models as well but they required some specific shots I didn't have. Sutherland called and asked me to bring her in. I did and they loved her. She's starts modeling school (14 day program) on the 29th.

Meanwhile my son has decided to pursue a music career, which he was amazed to find his mother and I supported. Of course we do. It's the only damn thing that he actually does without constant nagging. Plus he has a real talent. He and a friend are currently trying to develop enough material for an album.

Expect to hear more of these two in future posts.