Wednesday, September 14, 2011


While it may appear I'm ignoring my blogging duties I have in fact been quite active, blogging nearly daily on my other site:   I changed format to short, quick inspiring posts - which are reposted to facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

As for my life, I am continuing to progress, working on building my Isagenix business, sent my children's book - The Dream Cat and the Flood off to an agent and sold my house (still a work in progress as I deal with the various issues needing to be resolved to close).

As with my house I am continuing to cut away relics of my past to make way for new and better things.  See Vacuum Law of Prosperity

I am also better able to focus my attention, thoughts and feelings on those things that I want and not be focusing on the things I don't want (cutting those things away helps).

My life is still very much a work in progress at this moment but I am very excited for the future.  Walking forward in faith, optomism and joy.