Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quick update

Just a quick update here.   As one can easily tell I haven't been posting much on this blog recently mainly because I've been too preoccupied.   I was doing a lot of work on my sister site www.thecuphalffull.com and then took on a major project at work which is where I do most of my posting from.

Really, it's a shame because I've had a number of breakthroughs which I'm not going to do justice to now, as I want to blog on thecuphalffull.com but here's some recent insights:

Paradigms - See the blog entry on thecuphalffull.com for more but specifically to me I realized that I tend to clutch onto love not because of 'who I am' but because of who my mother was.   I adopted her faulty beliefs about love subconsciously even though I have always consciously rejected them.   This realization has enabled me to free myself from this behaviour.

Loving unselfishly - I subsequently realized that I've had a somewhat selfish relationship with my ex and current BFF in that I was feeling and acting jealous because she's got a new man in her life.  Having the above realization helped and I am now dedicated to loving unselfishly, looking only to pour into her life, not for what I want out of it, trusting that God will ensure I receive proper payback from a source that may not be the one I'm pouring into.    Goes for everyone else too.

The conscious mind creates ideas but the subconscious creates things.   It's simply not enough to hold ideas, desires, goals and dreams or purpose on the conscious level of our mind.  On that level it remains only ideas and the conscious is constantly distracted by the now.    In order to shift ideas into created reality they must be turned over to the subconscious mind which works tirelessly, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year towards accomplishing the task without the idle distractions of the now.    To do so requires either repeatedly and passionately envisioning and enacting your goals/dreams/purpose until the subconscious accepts it as fact or repeatedly and consistently pushing yourself into an act of doing until it becomes a habituated way of being.   Once turned over to your subconscious, the subconscious mind will tirelessly and unceasingly direct the conscious to always be on the lookout of that which serves to turn the perceived reality into physical reality.  It becomes an obsession and to quote 'The Cable Guy' you 'Get'er done.'

We have had past lives but not in the way commonly perceived.    Some religions and people believe in past-lives.  I've not accepted this because it's mathematically impossible for everyone alive today to have had even one past life let alone several.   There are more people alive today than have ever died!   Or close to it.
However, our soul is a part of God.  It IS God.  We are a part of that which we call God.   God is in us.  Therefore ALL our souls are part of God, of source energy, infinite intelligence, whatever you want to call it.  And most definitely God has had countless, hundred of millions of past lives.    Our souls have connection to all of them for we are all part of God.  However, I suspect we have closer ties to some than others which is why it seems like they are 'our' past lives.   They are not 'ours' in the sense that we alone experienced them, they are more like a shared experience that is in closer alignment to us than others.

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's been a while - Day 51 of 100 Day Start Fast Finish Strong Challenge

Not going to talk much about the 100 day challenge.   Not getting a lot out of it the second time round although, I am getting something out of it.

I haven't posted recently but you'll see on my other blog http://www.thecuphalffull.com/ I've been posting up a storm for the last couple of weeks.

The most significant thing I think in my life right now, worth noting, is that I am at the part of the book, Awaken the Giant Within, where Anthony Robbins gets to NAC - Neuro Associative Conditioning.  Or in short, rewiring your brain for success. Changing what you link pain and pleasure too.

I'm excited because I remember this.  I remember this working.   I was really becoming a powerhouse when I started using it only to be totally knocked off the rails by the end of my marriage.   Well if it worked so well, why didn't I keep using it?   Lacked the P's my friend.  Lacked the P's.   

Didn't have the Patience.
I was mad at God so I wasn't Positive, stopped finding grace in Prayer, forgot the Promise.
Let my Passion slip, which undermind my Persistence, halted my Progress and I lost sight of my Purpose.
My Perspective was all wrong at the time, I was only focused on me for one.
In the end, the loss of my marriage was simply not a Price I was willing to pay.   Had I had the right Perspective, that has come with age, experience, and a lot of study, I would have seen God had even greater heights for me.   I would realized that the pain would pass and keep my mind only on the joy, on the lessons learned and on the end goal, knowing that whatever I lost would be replaced and replaced in spades.

See http://www.thecuphalffull.com/ for more on the Power 'P's for Enduring Success.

But at that time, I simply didn't want to let go.  That love was the best thing I had ever experienced in my life.  I didn't want to lose that!   I couldn't envision anything better.  LOL.   How pathetic considering, in hindsight, it wasn't all that good.  It was troubled, we were quite young and both came from less than ideal upbringing.  We had issues and lacked the maturity to deal with them or each other.    I became fixated on relying on my understanding and my strength instead of trusting in God's and keeping my focus on where I was going, not where I had been.

So many years later, and in reflecting here I see I'm still held back by a lack of vision - better than what I had (or my parents had) is still good enough for me.  It shouldn't be.  I am capable of so much more - why shouldn't I enjoy the finer things in life?  It is not a crime to be rich, only a crime to seek money above all things.   If in the process of helping others, I become rich, there is no shame in that and if imagining some of the benefits of having wealth helps motivate me to do what's right, why not?   I need to expand my vision and be specific.    And I need to stop looking back fondly on things that were.   As nice as they were, God has better yet in store for me, but I can't get there if I'm looking backwards.

And I see how some old habits die hard.    I look forward to using NAC and the Power P's to fundamentally change my life.