First off, let me say, I can feel the internal excitement level really starting to pick up. As you can tell from previous posts, while I was in a solid mindset when I originally applied to Canfield's Coaching program, after New Year's disasterous performance, I was feeling like a bit of a whipped curr. Actually, even prior to that, because I could feel things slipping away and was feeling powerless to stop it. At any rate, it feels great to be back into a 'can do' attitude. Really, this is where I like to live and am looking to set up permenant residence.
One of the reasons for my revised mind frame is the Purpose exercise I did. In his book, Canfield laid how to define your purpose quite simply and effectively. Of course, it helps that I already had a firm grasp of what I felt my life purpose was but still this exercise helped me to define it even better using those aspects of life I truly love.
My new Purpose definition goes like this:
Using my creativity and (com)passion, I will teach, enlighten and entertain people, helping them to live fuller, love deeper and know peace and joy through Christ(connection with source).
Now that is a simple and effective Purpose statement that I can really get behind. It excites me and that's exactly what your Purpose should do.
I've also been listening to the set of audio tapes they sent. It's merely Jack Canfield reading his book; The Success Principals, which I'm already reading, but I do find there's something unexpected in the listening to of the tapes. They effect me differently. Which reading I take a more cerebral approach to the material, digesting it and applying it to my life, but I find when I listen to the same material I have a much more emotional response to it. I will identify with something said, and respond emotionally to it, getting sad (yes, that's me...) or excited by it. I also wonder if I'm more of an audiotory learning than I'd thought. At any rate, I'm finding it of great benefit.
I know Bob Proctor used to listen to tapes he had from Earl Nightinggale over and over and over again and even after knowing it to the point of being able to recite them, he still occasionally had 'Aha!' moments when something in life would happen, that corrolated with something in the tapes, and suddenly he'd 'get it'. Not just intellitectually, but at a base gut level. So I'm commiting myself to listening to these tapes over and over again, to ensure I am continually reminded of what I need to be doing and program it into my (thick) head.
I've also taken various steps to reshape my life.
I'm scheduling myself much more effectively and so far am amazed by the results. I get a lot more done AND still feel like I have more free time! What? How is that possible?! Because I'm utilizing my time much more effectively. By scheduling my day (and prepping when needed) the night before, I get up running, knowing exactly what needs to be done, when, why and in what order. I don't waste any time trying to figure out what to do next, or not sure of what to do next, I'm not just wasting time. I'm just going. It feels great and certainly a habit I want to enshrine in my mind.
I finally did what I said I'd do before my move - I finally semi-permenantly parked the car. As expected, I'm simply not using it enough to warrent the costs of maintaining it. It's a very basic and sensible decision but to be honest it was really painful for me. I didn't realize how much pride was tied up in that modest vehicle. It was a status symbol of sorts and one it turns out, I was loathe to lose. It certainly does make me feel less of a man not having a car to drive around in. I still own the car, but if I'm never using it, no one will see that. Still, by parking the car, I save on insurance, gas, mileage, maintainance, parking, etc. and should save two or three hundred a month. Money that can then goto other things like the gym, paying down debt and buying new clothes.
I'm getting back into budgeting my money, something I used to do to an anal degree, but haven't for a while as it bred a 'lack mentality' (as all I looked at all the time was who little I had to do anything with). By cutting wasteful spending (eating out for lunch, coffees, video games I don't need, etc.) I can free up money for other things, giving me a sense of 'having' instead of 'not having' as now I have some money left in the bank when something of real value or need comes around. To answer the question you're probably thinking, yes, I did do that before but I wasn't in as good as financial shape overall at the time. So even cutting back everywhere, I still only ever saw lack. Maintaining the house on my single income was really spreading me too thin. Nowadays I create some of my own lack by feeding my little 'joy' impulses all the time.
Another thing I'm doing, having realized my false beliefs regarding other people, is working on changing my mindset from finding a way to achieve (alone) so I can show others the way, to working with others to achieve success together (as a team) so not only do I benefit, but so do they and then we can show others the way. Changing my mindset from 'I'm not dependant on anyone', to 'my network is my greatest asset'. Of course there is some validity in not overly depending on others but it's nonsensical to not work with others for our mutual benefit, or even to accept someone's help when offered (using common sense of course).
Otherwise I've been busy working away on my homework assignments, which have been somewhat eye opening but nothing major yet, although it'll be interesting to see what my coach takes from them. Negociating a deal for some additional writing work ($!). And spending time with those people who are important to me which is always a pleasure.
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