Monday, July 6, 2009

Brief love affair

Havn't written in a while, largely because I was waiting to see how certain things pan out. One of those is the ultimate fate of my house (looks like I'm selling) and the other was a budding relationship with a beautiful woman.

As the title suggests it appears that relationship has resolved itself, perhaps for the best. Without getting into too many personal details I was very delighted to see the Law of Attraction, fate, God, luck, whatever you wish to define it as, bring such a top tier woman into my life. Beautiful face, tight, slim and sexy body, young and a wonderful personality to match. Alas, she came with significant complications in her life and ultimately she decided not to get involved with me because she would fall in love with me adding more complications.

It astounds me how often I have this problem of women NOT wanting to be with me because they'll fall in love.

She was a delightful girl and I am feeling rather bummed out at the moment over it not working out. However, I recently listened to a Q&A session with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame and one of the most enlightening things I learn was when applying the law of attraction you must have high intent but low attactment.

That is to say, you must focus on what you want and how it'll make you feel but not attach that to a specific job position, person, specific dollar amount, destination, etc. Especially when dealing with other people, you can not create in their reality so no amount of Attraction is going to bring them to you if they are not on the same vibrational tone - IE: They are focusing on something completely different than what you're offering.

So I'm not sweating this loss. Instead I am thrilled to see the quality of women I am attracting to be very high. While it may be disappointing this particular one didn't last, that doesn't ultimately matter as long as I can continue to attract such high quality girls. Eventually, one of them must be a match for me and those that aren't are still damn fine company indeed!

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