Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Focus is an absolutely key element to success. It's also one area where I struggle the most. It's an area where I have always struggled, at least at home. Ever since I was a child I always struggled to focus my attention in the home, particularly on homework, however, take that same assignment and give it to me in class and I would have no problem completing it.

Throughout the years I have always found it easier to focus on tasks when around other people. My book was predominately written on the GO train and Tim Hortons, even though I have a desk and had a PC (now laptop) in my home, I rarely used it for such productive work.

As I write this, I'm reflecting back to what Bob Proctor said about paradigms.

Any set of beliefs that form a habitual way of being is a paradigm. The problem most everyone has is that their core paradigms were established when they were children, and are based on beliefs and values that other people instilled in you. Commonly your parents but also friends, siblings, teachers and an assortment of other people in your life all helped shape your beliefs. The problem is that this is done at an age when you are not able to determine if they are values and beliefs you want to have, or that are helpful to you. You merely accept them carte blanche and have probably never stopped to even think about why you have them.

Now for myself, looking back at my childhood I see that my father never worked when he came home. My mother did all the housework and we lived in an apartment so there was no maintenance required either. So all my father would do when he arrived home was watch tv, eat, regal us with stories of his greatness at work, watch tv and go to bed. Obviously my brothers didn't work either. So have I subconscious just absorbed a belief that says you do not work in the house? That work is only done outside of the house? And it's developed into a paradigm that subconsciously controls my actions?

Best way to break limiting beliefs is to associate great pain with the old belief and associate great pleasure with a new empowering one by using NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programing which is a fancy term for empathic visualizations.

More on this later - when I can focus - lol.

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