Friday, November 5, 2010

Thought du Jour

I'm sitting here trying to work on my e-book but just not able to focus on it at the moment but still wanted to contribute some useful information in some way, so here I am blogging on this journal site.

Travel plans to New York continue and I have a great feeling about this trip.  We managed to secure a great rate at a four star property right in the middle of Manhatten.  Very excited about that.  At this point we are still trying to come up with the $600 each.   Wish I could say I had it already but I have tremendous faith that, and more will avail itself.   However, I am consciencious that I need to be giving in order to recieve.  We cannot expect God to just pour into us, if we are not first and foremost ready, willing and able to pour out into others.

But how and what to contribute to the world, that will in turn raise the necessary funds, and then some, I am not clear on yet.  Anybody out there need some writing done? lol.  Need an inspirational speaker?  Quickly now, won't get me at this cheap rate forever! Or even much longer.  

Which reminds me I'd love to do some sort of inpirational course for the less fortunate people in this city.

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