Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Brand Like Viagra

Sorry, I readily admit that title is purely flippant.  When I posted the 'The Price of Viagra' on my main site it generated a spike in hits.  So, as we all want more hits, I cheekily titled this article A Brand Like Viagra.   If you clicked here purely based on that, well, that my friend says something about you.

However, this site is about me and my progress to a fabulous life full free of worries and lack.  My girlfriend and I were discussing what my Brand is.  What sets me apart from anyone else out there wanting to promote positive thinking, inspiration, and success?  One thing that she pointed out, was that I approach it from a standpoint of one of, not one above.  That is to say, rather than preaching from the stand point of someone who's become successful, I am approaching the subject as someone who is with you, perhaps a little further along this journey.

Well, at least for now.  Eventually I will be talking from a stand point of someone who's been there and has broken through and it is my hope that this blog, in part, shows that even highly successful people have had there fair share of ups and downs, false starts and disappointments.   The only difference is in how we viewed those when they happened and that we kept right on going.

Right now, the struggle is to come up with a mere $600 for a trip for New York.   You know what?  One day, not too far from now, I'll be reviewing this blog and will rediscover this article and will be laughing right now. $600 a struggle?  I'll chuckle, marvelling at how I could have ever 'struggled' to come up with $600.  That's nothing after all.  And you know what?  I'll be exactly right.  It is nothing.  I will find it.

And one day so will you.  Just keep searching.  You will find it.

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