Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Beginning

Very soon I will be starting a new chapter in my life.   I am moving from my house in Oshawa where I lived with my son (and visiting daughter) for the last 6 years to an apartment (still in the process of looking) as of September (barring unforseen circumstances) where I will live all by myself.

So new city, new place, new life after kids (mostly), and since I'm going to be substancially closer to work (and friends, girlfriend and my daughter) I will reclaim an hour and a half of every day or more, thanks to no commute.

As mentioned in my last post, I'm also going through the process of re-examining my goals and dreams to determine what I want to do with the rest of my life. Nothing is off the table.  It's like I'm 20 again and everything is possible.   

This will take some time and careful consideration but one thing that's been repeatedly put before me is my website, which has been largely negleted for the last few months after I realized I wasn't going to be able to achieve my vision for it.   That is, unless it became my main focus in life.    Which could happen after the move.  

My one passion is to reach other people.   For many years I thought this would be through books / comics / and such.   But I've always struggled to write books.   Even though I enjoy the work, it always feels like a chore to start.   And it's slow....   And now that I think of it, perhaps archaic.  Sure people still read books, and comics but more and more the vast majority of people's reading is right here: online.

So why shouldn't I focus on that?  I can still write books and such on the side as well.   No reason not too. 

Nothing is written in stone, but if I do decide to follow this path, then expect some big changes over the coming months for the website as I move it towards it's true intended vision.

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