Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dated Dreams?

Guy Finley has ruined my life.  lol.  Sorta.

As you can see from the lack of posts both here and at my main site ( over the last few months, I had lost my enthusiasm for this venture.   Not only that, but for my written work as well.  

I've been playing with restarting some sort of 100 Day Challenge or doing some new goal setting or something but haven't because why should I have to?  If I have a passion for something, why should I have to constantly be pressuring myself to do it?   Some pressure to take definitive action, but the desire to act should be there already.

Then Guy Finley, who sends me regular e-mails, has the audasity to suggest the following:

"Your present dreams about where to find happiness and fulfillment are the very things that stand between you and the real happiness and fulfillment you seek."

That statement might seem contrary to everything you've ever seen me talk about but it made immediate sense.

Our dreams are generally formed when we're children or young adults.  But it's at this time that we are most under the influence of whatever limiting paradigms that we have subconsciously adopted in our childhoods.
So those dreams, that we've longed to achieve are dreams created while under the influence of limited beliefs.

Now, to be honest, I'm not sure that's where Guy is going with that, as I'd have to pay $3.00 to find out.   I probably will cough up the $3 as I've got to admit I'm curious to hear his take, (simply havn't had time yet) but regardless, the above realization got me thinking.

Are those dreams, of being a writer, etc, really what I want?  It that really what I should be doing?   Or have I just let my old dreams persist long beyond they should have?  Now that I'm aware of old limiting paradigms, what new dreams should I aspire too?   What do I really want to do?  What's my passion?

I don't know.   I think I'll need to retreat from life, the physical world with all it's immediate needs, for a bit to reorient myself to this new line of thinking.   And pose these questions at a deep level, close to source (God) to find a pure answer.   Until then, I'm stuck in a bit of limbo, not sure how to proceed.

I'll keep you posted.

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