Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 20 of the Start Fast / Finish Strong 100 Day Challenge - Take 2

Today's message was a really interesting one in the Start Fast / Finish Strong 100 Day Challenge.   In it Gary Ryan Blair talks about making a 'quantum leap' and going from A to Z without having to work your way through the rest of the alphabet or in the stated example to go from a bank teller to Vice President within a year.

It's probably the most contraversial topic in the entire 100 days but it's an interesting idea.  He argues (and is going against traditional Personal Development gurus like Bob Proctor) that the only reason you have to go step by step is because we believe and accept we must but if we just step out in faith that we'll get to the end goal, now, instead of 20 years from now, then we can make it happen.   

Personally sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.  Not because it's a bad idea to hold the end result in mind and expect it now, that's fine, but because extremely few people would be able to maintain that level of conviction despite all prevailing opinion and circumstance.   Even those few who do have to deal with the reality that other's may not take too kindly to their 'leapfrogging' and actively (if subconsciously) use Law of Attraction against them.  They would rather see the person who's been waiting and in their opinion deserves to be VP be VP rather than some arrogant upstart.

But is it possible?  Anything is possible.  Stranger things have happened.  And a few really charasmatic people could probably pull it off but I wouldn't recommend it except to the very few.

But I digress,  the reason for my post today is because during the video/audio Blair asks 'What would you do if you were guaranteed success?  What specific actions would you take?'

I paused there and thought about that.   Aside from buying a lottery ticket or betting on a horse, I couldn't think of anything I would be doing that I wasn't already in the midst of doing.  Considering Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba and Miriah Carey (she makes me laugh) are all taken, then there's no one I would rather be pursuing than the woman I'm currently pursuing.    

I'm already trying to get my book published.

Already working on my website.   Now if I was guaranteed it be super successful would I go ahead and do the full site instead of a blog?   No, I'd be writing books and stories full time and still wouldn't want to designate that amount of time to the web.  If I could hire someone to do the bulk of the work, then yes.

Already hitting the gym.

Oh, I would sell my house for a large profit, but not so much that the new owners would lose their shirts on it. And I'd slap some ridiculously hugely profitable ad on my website for you all to click on and make me lots of money - as long as it was for your benefit and ethical.

So really, I wouldn't change anything.   That's a wonderful realization.

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