Friday, March 22, 2013

A New Chapter - Excellence

I guess this is a little overdue.

Or perhaps it's right on time.

I leave those decisions to God and to your opinion.

It is a new chapter.

It's hard to articulate exactly.  It's just a feeling place.  A knowing.  A peace of mind, that this is it.  No more trying.  No more struggling.  It all feels like it'll be effortless.  Which is not to say without effort because I'm sure there will be lots of long hours and late nights but it'll come with a sense of effortlessness.  That is to say, a peace of mind that whatever comes up with simply be dealt with and my path to prosperity of mind, of soul or being (and yes, financial) will arrive unerringly.

Let me digress. Since getting married, aside from working at my nice comfy, secure government job, I've been helping my wife with her business.   The more I do the more I was itching to reboot my own aborted blog -   And now I've done it.  And for the first time in a loooong time, I'm really at peace with it.   I feel like I know exactly what I'm doing, which is a lot of stuff I talked about for years but never actually did, but I feel very content to just go ahead and do it now.

So if you've read through this blog you are probably dying to wonder what the hell.  You've seen me struggle for years and then basically get married and disappear from this blog.   I've been busy building my life, buying a house, establishing a marriage, watching my own kids become adults themselves and helping my wife with her internet business.  And getting closer to God.

There's a difference.  I will explore this more, but for now all I can say is it's a peace of mind, a surety.  Maybe in part because I've seen (and studied) a lot with my wife's internet business there's a much better comfort level in knowing 'how' but I think it's more than that.  It's also a sense God's got my back and it's time for me to really stretch out my wings and see how high I can fly.

As I say, I expect challenges but that's fine.  It's just another day, another challenge and another victory, and then another and another, etc., etc.  

Partly it's a new way of being I've adopted.  Just a commitment to excellence - at the deepest level - in my being.  Just to exude excellence.   Not in some kind of vain way but just in the way I go about my business.  How I dress, my physical shape, how I interact with others, etc.

There's an unexpected benefit in that.  You know, and I mean, you just know, that once you're operating at that level, consistently, that you start reaping better results faster and more consistently then ever.  You start attracting excellence and are attracted to it.  You start to float to the top.  

I've a long ways to go, but this is the start.  So it's fitting that I've chosen now to being posting again.

Come join me at let's make this journey together.

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