Monday, September 24, 2012

Life is moving along

It's been a while since my last post so there's quite a bit to catch up on. 

Overall life is great.  OMG, in context of where I was last year, life is simply marvelous.

My marriage is wonderful and improving all the time.  I cannot thank God enough for guiding me to my wife, and vice versa, because left to our own devices, we never would have gotten together but she is indeed such a blessing in my life, and I hope, I am in turn to hers.

There are of course rough patches, but we navigate our way through them, mostly just through open and honest communication.

Right now I think the most challenging thing in the marriage, is me.  I'm still tied up in my own self-limiting beliefs (yes, I know I write an empowerment blog) and so is she, but she'd love to be able to look at me and be inspired every day, but I'm not that much of an inspiration on a lot of days.   However, I do strive on.

Church is playing an increasingly important part in my life (OMG, like, so old!) as I take increasing comfort in trusting in God and continually see God come through when you trust in Him and follow His plan (not your plan).

I'm back to writing every day, currently workshoping my book with other writers.  Feedback is encouraging although, apparently, I'm long winded.  (as readers of this blog already know)

Family life is great.  Blessed with three wonderful souls to help sheppard, all of whom are doing excellent in their own regards.

Our living situation is vastly improved from a year ago as well, but with that improvement comes new financial realities that we are adjusting too.   Currently looking for more opportunities to create additional income. :) 

I'll leave it at that for now, least I become long winded. 

All the best,


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