Friday, April 15, 2011

Canfield Coaching - One Week After

The title is a little misleading as I'm still doing the Canfield Coaching but the 12 weeks of scheduled coaching sessions are over.    I can still do the exercises on my own and call the coaching hotline until the end of the year.

However, now that I don't have anyone calling me to see how I'm doing, how am I doing?

Overall... Great!

The thing I'm most pleased with is the resiliency of my mental game.   Feeling very upbeat and positive despite the current situation which frankly isn't all that great.

Let's look at some of the various areas

Writing - Going great.  Finished the 3 critiques needed prior to posting my own stuff.  Posted Isecas The Dream Cat and the Flood (working title) which has gotten positive feedback.  Still doing critiques and enjoying helping others.

Isagenix - Ah... going.  Still haven't gotten a second person signed up.  Person number one is pleased with her results and plans on continuing as I am myself but my technique definitely needs work.  I've been trying to 'sell' it and that's not the right approach.  It's more of listening to people and providing it as an answer to their solutions but not as a hard sell, as a very soft sell gently massaged in often over multiple discussions.   So I still sold on the product, and sold on the opportunity but it means I have to develop skillsets I currently don't have - but need!  Social skills and networking.   The opportunity to develop those in a supportive environment and profit from those is enticing.

Career - Been dragging my heels on this as I didn't have a clear idea what I was doing.   Was discussing with a Canfield coach and that helped shape my thinking.   I know what I want to be doing (until my writing/Isagenix can support me) which is Life Coaching.   Now I have to figure out how.

Relationships - Did I mentioned overall things weren't so great?  Here's why.  Due do some unidentified and therefore unaddressed personal issues, I torpedoed my budding relationship.   I am disappointed that it is (currently) over but I am seeing this as a beginning not an ending.   It situation has brought the glaring personal fault under the microscope and has allowed me to attack it and work on extracting it.   Otherwise, I am confident that we'll get back together, however a break is now needed so women of the world - rejoice - you have a chance!    However, currently I'm focused on resolving this flaw not getting into a new relationship.

Other - I've volunteered to at Covenant House - a shelter for homeless teens and they were most pleased with my application.   I've been in touch with them quite a bit but they do not have a need at the moment, however, they will be in touch when one arises.
             I've modded my Wii.  Doesn't sound important but considering how much time I used to waste in stores looking for a bargain to add to my collection, this is a huge time (and money) saver.   I can hear the cries of 'Pirate!' but the Wii is near the end of it's life, I'm getting the imports and excessively rare games I cannot purchase (or could otherwise never play due to region lock) and besides that, I don't even play half the games I do buy! 
             Getting contacts today - so working on improving my image.
            Still doing Coaching exercises.   Have one more do to, then I'll have to decide if I want to redo some or all of them again for reinforcement.

That's enough details of my life for now.  I'm off to start living it some more.  Excelsior!

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