Saturday, March 19, 2011

Canfield Coaching

Okay, not sure what to talk about today.   Nothing really new to report.  Feeling better on the Isagenix program. Can't wait to see the end results after a month.  Tomorrow I begin my 'cleanse' period where I detox my body.   That should be interesting.  Everyone tends to lose some weight over the cleanse, and have more energy and mental alertness afterwards.   Can't wait!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Canfield Coaching - Isagenix and other matters

Since the last post I'm please to say the coaching line was helping in helping me pare down my list and bring it to two to three items to focus on:

Writing - Which has always been a passion of mine.  I was working on my self-help book Foundation: Timeless Prinicipals for Freeing Your True Potential.  However, as my overarching goal is to make $150,000 this year, and I had no marketing plan for it, I've decided to shelf it for the time being and work on getting the works I have finished published first.

To that end, I've joined a writers association, and a critique group within that association so I can get feedback on my works, improve them and resubmit them to agents/publishers.

Further downstream, I will revisit Foundation and also want to self-publish a comic book series.

Isagenix - Ironically, this was not even on my list, however it seems all gurus recommend multiple sources of income and acknowledge the right multi-level-marketing program can be a good part of that mix.  Jack Canfield himself endorses Isagenix and at this time my friend - who is a personal trainer - obtained a new client.  A self-made millionaire who earned her wealth through Isagenix, a product my friend already used regularly but had never sold.   Seeing is believing so she's got involved and after seeing the health benefits it's had on her and her friend, I took a serious look and decided to give it a try.

Basically, the product works - it makes you lose weight and feel great by cleansing and nutrienting your body. Because people lose weight and feel great, others want to know what they are doing and the product sells itself.

I've just started on the product myself - this is my 4th day.  Am feeling some benefits, and have become appalled by the amount of sugar and utter junk that our society shoves in our faces everyday.  It's no wonder we have an obesity problem when whatever store you go into literally surrounds you with sugar and junk food. 

On the flip side I've been overworking my body by cleansing and working out simultaneously.  One of the higher ups, a professional coach, gave me some great feedback on that which should help my program immensely.

The third thing, would be looking for a new 9-5 job.  This would be a doubled edge sword actually, as having a position where my pay was more inline with performance would certainly encourage me to work at a higher level, at the same time, I have plenty of free time in this job to do things like write this blog, critique stories (and have mine critiqued) and do a bit of Isagenix work or coaching work.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Canfield Coaching - Decisions, Decisions

As mentioned previously, I changed my 'breakthrough goal' from writing an e-book to making $150,000 in 2011 - originally the e-book was a piece of the $150,000 puzzle.

However, in brainstorming ways to make $150,000, I quickly came up with 11 well realized concepts, 8 of which I has already started (and mostly set aside).  Obviously I can't do 11 different things, so I had to go through the process of sizing each one up and determining how effective it would be in reaching my goal.

After a few hours work I narrowed it down to two: Getting Isecas the Dream Cat (series of children's books) published and creating travel Apps for Ontario cities (which don't have it seems).  The e-book was close but these two represented much better prospects for making significant money - this year.

However, my on/off girlfriend and chastized me for not sticking to my 'true purpose' - writing for kids, in particular, writing comics. Why is that my true purpose?  That's a long story for another time, just trust me on that one for now.

I had considered it, it showed up twice in the 11 ideas in different forms, but being an independant comic writer (especially one who can't illustrate) is really hard - or at least, that's been my experience of it from my time in the industry.  Most people who attempt it lose their shirts trying.   The start-up costs are huge.  The development time needed substancial.  Getting distributed, let alone noticed, is a major hurdle, especially for a complete unknown.   The odds are heavily stacked against me, and the possibility of earning $150,000 in 2011 from doing it are completely non-existant to any conventional thinking.   Ending up $150,000 in debt is far more likely.

However, that's not positive thinking, following my passion, purpose or being in accordance to God.  It's just looking at reality and saying 'it's not possible' which, I'm sure most people would agree, is just plain common sense.  However, I'm guilty of saying it myself, if you want an uncommon result, you need uncommon sense.

The fact is, while no one has ever gotten rich quick doing it, people have gotten rich.  Famously Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird who created Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .  More recently Jeff Smith of Bone.   Lots of others have made a living doing it, many even getting movie deals in the process. 

Problem remains, unless I come up with some completely revolutionary way to making money off the industry, pursuing a career in comics will not only not help me to reach my $150,000 goal, it would in all probabability move me much further from that goal as the start up costs kick in long before profit does.

So what to do?   That is a question I'm about to pose to the coach line and we'll see what they think.  I'll post the answer.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Canfield Coaching - Now This is How You Work a Program

As stated in my last post, last week I was doing a module on Wealth and realized that I - still - had a 'scarcity' mindset which needed to be broken.  In particular, concepts like, "It is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to heaven" had me associating wealth with a lack of spirituality.  So while I physically wanted wealth, at a deeper spiritual level I pushed it away.

This wasn't a new revelation but the exercises did help to clarify my belief on the matter.  I knew that in order for me to accomplish any of the things I really wanted to do, that they would involve greater wealth as a consequence and I simply had to shatter that old paradigm.

So of my own accord I committed myself to calling the 'Coach Help Line' every day, as well as using affirmations.  While I have always had unlimited use of the coach line, this was the first time I was actually making use of it in a meaningful way.

I've talked to two men and two women, other than my own coach, on the line and it's been a great experience.  They are all terrific coaches and all have their own way of thinking.  Some focus more on Law of Attraction, others are more pragmatic and focused on goal setting and action.   It's been really great to get such a range of tools and ideas poured out onto me.   It's only encouraging me to use the line more. 

However, it's also caused me to have to rethink what I'm doing.    When I originally set my 'breakthrough goal' to work on, I decided to make it finishing my E-book: Foundation: Timeless Principals for Freeing Your True Potential.   However, one of the coaches asked me if I had a financial goal - which I did and immediately stated to earn $150,000.00 this year (not overly ambitious I know but certainly enough to break me out of my current set ways and limited thinking).  Then she asked if I had a plan on how to do that.   Ah... no...  "Well don't you think seeing some money come in would help break that mindset?" she asks.  Ah... yes...?

Sure my e-book should, with some luck and hard work, make me some money, but that wasn't a part of the goal or the plan really.  As it was set, if I had made a couple hundred off of it, I would have considered it a success.   Which begged the question - why would I set it out like that?  The answer to which was all too obvious.

So I changed my breakthrough goal to earning $150,000.00 in 2011 through my written work.   I then brainstormed how I could make that happen and immediately came up with eleven flushed out concepts for accomplishing that, including Foundation.  All of which are full time careers in and of themselves (at least for a period of time) and 8 of which I'm already have at some point of completion. 


Yeah, I have or rather, had, a problem.  I'm great at starting and not so good at finishing it seems.   I'm certainly not the only one, however, at least I now know why.  My scarcity thinking keeps me from aggressively pursuing wealth.  So I work on what may be a great money making concept, for months, or even years but never actually make money. Eventually I get frustrated and petter out. Why?  Because deep-down I didn't want to.  I never really set myself up to.

Even with Foundation, my current project, I find myself with a pre-release version all ready to go, but no way for anyone to pre-order the actual book.   While I only have so many hours in the day, you would still think I would have at least gotten something set up.  But no....    I can only smile at myself at this point.   At least now my own follies are obvious to me and all I can do is continue to progress to breaking down those limiting beliefs and instilling new ones.

With the now daily help of the coach line, I'm feeling more confident than ever that this fundamental flaw will be broken.