Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Rollercoaster

The last couple of days have been an emotional rollercoaster.

Sunday started well, went sour and then surprisingly improved. That improvement carried on into Monday which was a good day but then ended bittersweet. I'm not about to go into details here but I will say I'm reminded of the age old adage - Be careful what you wish for, because you just may get it.

Also I've been very emotionally open and that's left me too prone to be carried too and fro emotionally by various people in my life. While I hate to do it, I think I need to close off for a bit, steady myself, reestablish that it is I'm after and then focus on specifically that.

In the meantime, it's important that I keep my focus and energy going. In today's Six Minutes to Success, Bob Proctor spoke about Crisis and Advancement which sums up as follows:

Advancements of all type are always proceeded by a crisis.

The greater the crisis the greater to opportunity for advancement.

So whether it's the current economic crisis or our own individual crisis (of whatever scale) you need to not be looking at the crisis itself but looking for that opportunity for advancement. Obviously it's easier to find the former - it's staring you in the face after all- than it is to find the latter but it's the latter than matters. That is your growth opportunity and place where you will find balance.

I'm still learning as I go along, just need to not become jadded and remain faithful that my desires are being met. Usually, the universe just needs to shape us up in order to meet those desires.

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